Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Differences between being ruled by a colonial government with having a local government of or own

There are the pros and cons for both kind of government ruling.

When we are being ruled by the colonial government, there is only one governor of the Straits Settlements. This is good in the sense that there won't be great conflicts should there be many governors (Too many cooks spoil the broth.) . However, with one governor only having veto powers over the law in Singapore, there might be flaws with the laws here and there (Two heads are better than one.) . Therefore, with these two conflicts contradicting each other, I feel that there should be about 2 to 3 governors so that we can look at things from a different point of view.

In comparison with our local government, we have 3 main ministers (MM Lee, SM Goh and PM Lee) governing Singapore, thereby allowing the parliament to make better decisions.

During the colonial governing times, the British usually have greater powers over the law than Asians. The government is chosen with the British holding the most power (the Governor and the Queen in London). The Asians in the legislative council are generally not as powerful as the British. In fact, eventually, it lies in the Governer's hands whether to create the law or carry out the action or not.

As compared to our local government, if one of the ministers in parliament made a wrong decision or a decision that can be improved on, the other ministers can help improve on it. Plus, the final decision does not completely lie on a person's hand only.

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