This contribution made a large impact in Singapore. The Chinese Pauper's Hospital was the first Chinese hospital in Singapore for the poor. In the past, the poor who fell illl could not go to hospital as there were no hospital catering to them. Therefore, they were usually left at home to suffer. These ill people were left untreated, thereby increasing the risk of the spread of such diseases. With more people falling ill, Singapore will not be a very safe port to trade in, causing a decline in the number of traders in Singapore.
However, the building of the Chinese Pauper's Hospital that catered to the poor allowed these ill people to get treated, thus reducing the spread of such diseases. As a result, Singapore would be a safer and more hygienic place to trade in. This would attract more traders to Singapore, thereby increasing the trades in Singapore, which is the main motive of the British government.
He was the first Chinese to be made the Justice of Peace. He helped the early Chinese immigrants settle disputes. This could have helped prevent the immigrants who had conflicts to go to secret societies to resolve them, thereby reducing the power of the secret societies. This can help reduce the number of secret societies in Singapore, which was the main problem in Singapore then. More traders will be attracted, allowing Singapore to grow better as a trading port.
- Tien, Mui Mun (1997, 29 September). Tan Tock Seng. Retrieved April 11, 2009, Web site:
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